Frequently Asked Questions

What are “Nano Brows”? (Commonly referred to as Microblading)

Nano brows is a state-of-the-art method of creating realistic hair strokes using a single needle permanent makeup machine. This is the newest technique which implants color into the skin & does not cut the skin. This is an advanced technique and is the next generation of microblading. It is less invasive and less traumatic for the skin in comparison to the microblading technique.

What are the benefits of Nano Brows?

Unlike microblading, this technique is suitable for all skin types. This method is less invasive and less traumatic resulting in less pain and minimal bleeding.

  • Suitable for all skin types including oily and mature skin.

  • Improved shape and color retention.

  • High-quality and long-lasting results which can last up to 2 years.

  • Less frequent touch-ups which means skin integrity is better. 

What are “Combo/Hybrid Brows”?

A combination/hybrid brow combines microblading hairlike strokes with machine shading. Results for this style of brow typically lasts several years depending on your skin type.

Soft shading provides a more filled in and defined brow and can be customized to give you a variety of looks, from natural or more bold. This style is best suited for all skin types including oily skin, aging skin or active lifestyle such as swimming, sweating, sun exposure. 

What is a “Powder Brow”? (Also referred to as Ombre)

Powder brows have no hairlike strokes and are made of machine shading. A single nano needle machine implants small dots of pigment into the skin. Pigment can be layered until the desired saturation is achieved.

This style of brow can look just as natural as microblading. If you have oily skin, large pores, or very coarse hair, a powder brow can provide the best healed results with the perfect powdery finish. Although powder brows look intense at first, these are not sharpie looking brows, they heal very soft and natural. This type of brow is ideal for all skin types.

How long do PMU brows last?

Permanent makeup is designed to fade over time and everyone holds pigment differently. On average, it should last 1-3 years. Skin type, age, lifestyle, medications, metabolism can affect the longevity of the pigment color. Following the aftercare provided by your artist will get you the best healed results. Touch-ups are normal and expected for permanent cosmetics and are recommended. Depending how your skin breaks down the pigment, brow touch ups can happen every 12-24 months.

Due to the nature of skin, final results cannot be guaranteed. Permanent makeup is a 2 step process and requires a 6-10 week refresh appointment in which we can asses your pigment retention and make any adjustments necessary.

Do I need a refresh appointment?

Yes! We call this the “perfecting session”since we will asses the pigment retention, perfect the shape and color and can add more dimension. The refresh session also increases the longevity of your beautiful new brows. 

Does it hurt?

Topical anesthetics are used to help make you comfortable throughout the procedure. While pain tolerance varies from client to client, most clients report little to no pain.

What is the healing process like?

In the hours following the procedure, will appear much darker and bolder than when healed due to oxidation in the surface layer of your skin. Pigment will typically fade from 20-40% once healed. Around day 4-5, you may notice light scabbing or flaking on the brows. This is a normal part of the process, do not pick or scratch them. Picking the flakes will result in pigment loss and cause possible scaring. Once all the flakes have fallen off around day 10, the brows will appear much lighter. The pigment will continue to surface/darken over the next few weeks. 

Any pigment that doesn’t return once fully healed, will be addressed at you refresh appointment. 


To achieve the best results, it is crucial to follow the given aftercare instructions. All products needed will be provided at your appointment.

  • Keep your new brows dry until all flaking has stopped. Avoid getting them wet in the shower, avoid sweating, saunas and steam for the next 10-14 days. 

  • Pat wash/pat rinse your brows morning and night with cleanser provided for 10 days. (This is the only time water should be used on your brows)

  • Apply a super thin layer of healing balm to the brows morning and night after each wash, also or 10 days.

  • No makeup on the brows for 10-14 days, once all flaking is done. You may wear makeup around the brows but avoid treated area as much as possible to avoid infection. 

  • Avoid direct sun exposure for 2 weeks. Please plan beach vacations, weddings, family photos or important events accordingly. 

  • Do not touch, pick, rub or scratch brows. Let all flakes come off naturally, picking them off will remove pigment prematurely and can lead to patchiness and scaring. 

  • Avoid all anti-aging or acne products on the brows, even after healed. (Retinols, Salicylic Acid, Glycolic acid, etc.

How should I prepare for my appointment?

Avoid face scrubs, Botox, fillers, microdermabrasion or chemical peels at least 2 weeks prior.

  • Avoid alcohol, aspirin/ibuprofen, fish oil, Vitamin E oil that may thin your blood at least 72 hours prior to your appointment. 

  • Waxing/threading is not recommend or necessary prior to your appointment. It is preferred to have your brows grown out and I will clean them at your appointment. If you want to have your brows cleaned up beforehand, please do so 2 weeks prior. If you tint your brows, do so at least 7 days before your appointment.

  • Do not drink alcohol within 24 hours of your procedure.

  • Avoid caffeine 12 hours before your procedure. 

  • Wash your hair the day of your appointment if possible. You will need to keep your brows dry for the next 10-14 days and freshly washed hair will give you an extra few days before your next wash.

  • Avoid exercise the day of your appointment since it causes increased blood flow and will cause excess bleeding which can lead to poor healed results. 

  • You are welcome to come with or without makeup to your appointment. We will be taking a lot of before and after photos so come however you feel comfortable.

  • Feel free to come with your usually brow makeup so the artist can see your everyday look you prefer. 

  • If you have any reference pictures, please feel free to bring these tor your appointment and we will work together on creating your perfect brows.

Just BREATH & RELAX! I know feeling anxious/nervous is completely normal. We will work together and map out custom brows that will fit your face, compliment your features and frame your eyes perfectly and create your dream brows! It’s time to get excited about waking up with perfect brows everyday!

Am I a good candidate for PMU?

This procedure is NOT suitable for the following candidates:

  • Pregnant or breastfeeding

  • Currently using or have been on Accutane within the last 12 months. 

  • Have sunburned or freshly tanned face

  • Have had Botox or chemical peels within the last 2 weeks

  • Are taking blood thinning medications or antibiotics (may be a candidate for powder brows only, please email

  • Are undergoing cancer treatment

    • Chemotherapy or Radiation treatment within the last 12 months

  • Must be 18 years old


I’ve had previous PMU by another artist - will you work on my brows?

At this time, I am currently not accepting clients with previous PMU work for a new PMU service with me. You are welcome to book any other service (Wax, Thread, Tints, etc..) 

When should I book my annual refresh?

After your 6-10 week refresh appointment (which is booked during our first session) most clients are able to go 1-2 years between their annual touch ups. Depending on your skin type and lifestyle and how you care for them in the long term, will determine the longevity of your permanent makeup. 

Allow your brows to fade at least 40-50% before making your annual refresher appointment, if you are unsure, text or email a picture and we will let you know. 

Do I need a consultation before booking an appointment?

Consultations are recommended, but not required! Book a consultation if you are unsure if this would be right for you and your lifestyle. Consultations are 15 minutes & complimentary and can be booked through the service menu.

How long does the procedure take?

The initial appointment is 3-3.5 hours and your touchup appointment is scheduled for 2-2.5 hours (more than likely less). All refresh appointments will be booked during the first session.

For PMU services, no kids or guests are allowed in the studio with you.

How much do PMU brows cost?

Average pricing for Permanent Makeup in Arizona ranges from $500-$1200.

This investment lasts most clients 2-3 years between color refresher is needed, when initial and refresh sessions are completed.

INITIAL SESSIONS - $250 model pricing ($500 value)

6-10 WEEK TOUCHUPS - $150

What is your cancellation policy?

Please see the “Policies” Page.

What forms of payment do you accept?

A nonrefundable booking fee is required for all appointments. The remaining balance is due at your appointment. We accept, debit, credit card or cash.